
12: Terminal City

This is the story of a baby who was smuggled out of the Holocaust and grew up – partly because of that experience – to discover one of the key hidden causes of addiction. His name is Gabor Mate.

This is Liz Evans, who worked with Gabor, explaining their method:

This is Gabor talking about addiction:

This is Liz talking about one of her clients. She asked me not to disclose the name of the client, so it is bleeped out here. (The client had died by the time we were talking, but Liz didn’t want to upset the client’s family if they read about it.)

This is Liz describing her relationship with the client:

This is Liz describing the moment she finally understand drug addiction:

This is Bud Osborn, an addict who was advised by Gabor, talking about the role of childhood trauma in addiction:

This is Gabor talking about a time he lost his temper with a patient:

This is Gabor talking about how he felt after:

This is Gabor talking about his mother and her life in the Budapest ghetto:

This is Gabor talking about the life of his addicted patients:

This is Gabor comparing his life to theirs:

This is Gabor explaining the nature of some of his writing:

This is Gabor explaining that if he wanted to design a system that would keep people addicted, he would design the war on drugs:

This is Gabor elaborating:

This is Gabor saying if negative consequences for addicts stopped them using, he wouldn’t have a single patient left:

This is Gabor saying when our addiction treatment strategy should begin

This is Liz recalling what she said to her client (again, her name is bleeped here)

This is Liz, recalling a remarkable question a politician asked her when he visited the place Gabor and her worked:


13: Batman’s Bad Call

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