
18: High Noon

Colorado and Washington State have both legalized marijuana, after victory in referenda. This chapter is the story of the people who led this fight against the odds – and what happened next.

Brian Vicente was one of the leaders of the legalization movement in Colorado. Here he explains the beginning of their campaign:

Tonia Winchester was one of the leaders of the Washington campaign. Here she explains what she used to think of drug use:

And further:

Here she explains how she started to have doubts:

Tonia explains what it was like, as a lawyer, prosecuting marijuana possession cases:

Mason Tvert was one of the leaders of the Colorado campaign. Here is explains why he believes alcohol is more dangerous than marijuana:

Here he argues it is safer for teenagers too:

He asks why the laws drive people to the more dangerous substance:

Steve Fox was another leader of the Colorado campaign. Here is explains Mason’s approach:

Steve Fox calls it “marijuana jujitsu”:

Mason argues that making the case marijuana is safer is essential to changing people’s minds:

Mason elaborates:

Tonia recalls what people would sometimes shout at her during the petition for the referendum:

Tonia explains her approach, which is different to Mason’s:

Tonia elaborates:

And further:

And further:

Tonia explains her disagreement with Mason’s argument:

She elaborates:

Roger Rofmann was one of the leading figures in the campaign in Washington state to legalize marijuana. Here he disagrees with people who say marijuana is safe:

Alison Holcomb was one of the leading figures in the Washington campaign. Here she talks about teen drug use:

She talks about realizing how high the stakes were in this fight:

Brian Vicente recalls being intimidated by a sheriff:

Brian explains that people were afraid of speaking out for legalization because of the cartels:

He elaborates:

Tonia explains the changing attitudes to drug users:

Brian Vicente talks about how pro-marijuana messages don’t poll well:

Mason comments on whether broader legalization will happen:

Mason says what he thinks should happen:

Mason talks further about this:

Dr Carl Hart talks about the changing understanding of the science of marijuana:

Carl Hart talks about the “mythical view of drugs” we have at the moment:

Barbra Brohl is the Colorado state regulator tasked with figuring out how marijuana should be sold. Here she describes it:

And elaborates:

And elaborates further:


Conclusion: If You Are Alone

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